Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Gold and Silver Silver

Silver has attracted fascination for many thousands of years and because it has been found in limited quantity over the ages and while it scarce it is the most plentiful and cheapest of other metals. While silver is scarce, it is the most plentiful and least expensive of the precious metals with the largest silver producing countries being Mexico, Peru, the United States, Australia and Chile. Sources of silver include; silver mined directly, silver mined as a by-product of gold, copper, lead and zinc mining, and silver extracted from recycled materials, primarily used photographic materials. Today, silver stocks make up a significant component of silver supply.


Generally speaking pure gold [] is used for investment more than decoration, as it tends to be quite vulnerable to scratching. Because of its malleable nature, gold it is usually mixed with other metals to hardens it and in some cases change its color. The most widely used alloys for jewelry in Europe are 18 and 14 carat, although 9 carat is popular in Britain. Portugal has a unique designation of 19.2 carats. In the United States, 14 carat is the most popular density, followed by 10 carat. In the Middle East, India and South East Asia, jewelry is traditionally 22 carat (sometimes even 23 carat). In China, Hong Kong and some other parts of Asia, chuk kam or pure gold jewelry of 990 fineness (almost 24 carat) is popular. The purity of gold is measure from 1 to 24. 24 karat (24K) is purest form of the metal. So when you hear 18k gold, it means 18/24 karat which is 75% of gold and 25% alloy. More alloy or lower karat in gold, gold becomes much stronger.

Get the Best Deals on Gold and Silver Coins
Don't Pay Too Much for Gold and Silver Coins

Factors to consider when buying hearing aids

Yes, it is possible to find affordable hearing aids. Though, it is a fact that some models are way beyond what some can afford, there are quality hearing aids that will allow you to hear clearly without busting your checkbook. It is only a matter of knowing where to look and what to look for in a good but affordable hearing aid. In this article, we will tell you what to do to get a cheap, affordable hearing aid.

Affordable Hearing Aids - Choosing the Best for You

Advanced technology in the production of hearing aids has made it possible to have a wide variety to choose from. Digital hearing aids are, of course, the best ones nowadays. You can also choose from different types like behind the ear or in the canal (ITC) hearing aids. As to capability, some models suppress echo and bring background noise to a minimum level, giving you the next best thing to the real thing.

However, before proceeding to buy a hearing aid, you will have to visit your doctor for a hearing consultation first. He should be able to guide you as to the best one to work for you.

Browse the internet for a wide variety of choices of affordable hearing aids. It is wise to compare the quality, design and prices of the available models to be able to pick the best. There are many comparison websites online nowadays that makes this easy and uncomplicated for everyone.

Affordable Hearing Aids - Some Likely Candidates

Cost should not be a deterrent from letting you hear again. Some popular affordable hearing aids are the Digi Ear D1, Digi Ear D2 and Digi Ear DS. These hearing aids come with rotating nozzles to fit in both left and right ear. Hey are specially designed to fit into the ear canal.

The Digi Ear D1 has outstanding features considering its price. It is an all-digital, 2-channel aid that has an adjustable on/off volume control and a universal fit. The Digi Ear D2 comes with the features of D1 but also has intuitive feedback reduction and a quiet speech amplifier. Meanwhile, the Digi Ear DS functions just like Digi Ear D2 but it comes with echo cancellation capability.

There are other affordable hearing aids in the market today like the Sound Device Series. Sound Device 001c is for those looking for mild to moderate levels of amplification. Sound Device 002 comes with an added feature of volume control. It also has a wax guard tip that protects the electronics. It also swivels for easy cleaning. Sound Device 003 is even more sophisticated with an echo cancellation feature much like Digi Ear DS.

Surf the net for other choices. Prices and description of capabilities are available so it should not be a problem choosing the best to get value for your money. Although price is one of the major considerations, do not sacrifice price for quality. Make sure that you get a hearing aid that you are comfortable with.

Hearing Aid Repairs St Louis MO

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Yellow Pages Advertising New Business Generating Phone Calls

Yet many small business owners are unsure about how to get the most out of their Yellow Pages advertising. is that business owners shell out more than 11 billion dollars every year on Yellow Pages advertising… Remember, effective Yellow Pages advertising design has only one objective: to bring you new business by generating phone calls. If you’ve got a local business, make no mistake about it: Done well, yellow pages advertising, while competitive and “tricky” … Place your business under the Yellow Page advertising spotlight and listen to your phone and cash register sing!

Remember, with Yellow Page advertising you are at a much different point in the sales process the close. Clever headlines can be extremely effective early on in the sales process, but statistically speaking, they don’t generate huge Yellow Page advertising response. He is also adamant on the importance of setting an advertising budget before talking with the Yellow Pages sales rep. In all reality, it’s just best to ignore any advice your Yellow Pages advertising sales rep might give you.

While the purchase of other advertising media can often be simple and straightforward, the same thing cannot be said about yellow page renewals. If a media, such as the Yellow Pages, loses its effectiveness, I’ll shift my client’s advertising dollars to a more that is more effective. Finally, consider eliminating your advertisement in the Yellow Pages and placing your money in a more effective advertising media. The Yellow Pages medium provides a powerful return on investment for advertisers and can serve as the cornerstone of an integrated advertising media mix.

If you’re advertising now and don’t think you are getting the response you should be, talk with your Yellow Pages representative. They may even make the leap and assume that they aren t getting any calls from their Yellow Page advertising program at all. I get calls every week from lawyers saying they’re not getting calls anymore from yellow page advertising. I get calls every week from lawyers saying they’re not getting calls anymore from yellow page advertising.

Visit Philippine yellow pages an online yellow page in the Philippines.

Are There Proven Ways to Get Your Ex Back?

I had been dating my girlfriend for a year when we broke up. She was the love of my life, and I did not want the relationship to end. We had been having some hard times, but I felt it was worth trying to work through our problems. I started asking my friends for proven ways to get my ex back.

They did not actually have any sound advice for me. Most of them just talked about going to see a relationship counsellor. However, this was not something that my ex was going to be interested in doing. Unless, I was able to come up with actual proof that counselling had worked for them. We had seen a good percentage of our friends try that method with costly and negative results.

Our problems we not large ones, just a lot of little things. They were the things that most couples are usually able to work through. We just did not seem to be able to make any progress. My concern is that we are throwing away something good. Since, my friends did not have any advice for me I started searching online for proven ways to get your ex back.

I was surprised to find that there are so many people out there that are in my same situation. They had some great suggestions on how I could go about working things out. Some of their suggestions provided a step by step method for getting my ex back. It looks like it will be a slow and steady process, but I now have hope for an exciting future.

Luckily I've found something that is definitely helping. I was in need of a solid plan and a little helping hand, so I searched high and low and found a step-by-step system I could put to use that would help my greatly in winning her back. It wasn't relationship counseling, so it didn't cost the earth.

If you're in need of a little helping hand, then, I'd strongly consider it. To find out more about this step-by-step system and to discover a powerful tip that'll get you on the way to getting your love back; visit: Best breakup advice

Get Your Ex Back Product Reviews

The Magic Of Making Up

Different Types Of Kitchenware For Shopping

There are a lot of brands which are being introduced into the market and more are being getting introduced these days. The competition is pretty tight in this field and people always prefer to have the best. They also get confused to get the right one they need. The same slogan is repeated by all telling that they are the best. This makes you even more confused. So it is always advised to decide about the purchase from house itself before stepping out to purchase kitchenware.

There are several questions to be depended upon before choosing a kitchenware. The question for how many people you cook would enable in determining the quantity of pots and pans and even the size of each of them. The next question that arises is about the food cooked by you often. Some may be make soups in large stockpots whereas others would never steam anything in stovetops as they use electric steamer. So by understanding the kind of food you cook it is easily possible for you to determine the kitchenware needed by you.

The most important thing to consider is the cleaning up process and how much do you prefer for that. If you go along with the cleaning process and like it then you could go for ordinary pans. But if it is a hell out then it would be pretty good to opt for non-stick cookware which would ease your cleaning process. There are certain easy cooking pots which help you to cook properly but cleaning those takes a lot of time and effort. Usually stainless steel is preferred by most of the professional cooks as it is light weight, less costly and even beautiful. But the only problem for the stainless cookware is that they are easy to work with but it is pretty difficult to clean them up.

Determining the type of stove also lets you finalize the kitchenware that is appropriate for you. This will let you know whether you need a flat bottom or round bottom pan. For all those latest induction cook tops, it is necessary to have ferrite in them which is magnetic in nature. The most important thing that determines your purchase is the budget. It was always recommended to buy the high quality cookware always as they are long lasting and also it only needs initial investment and then could be your soul mate for years to count.

The quality kitchenware lets you cook food faster and with ease. As you use most of the kitchenware every day it is very important to have them to be very comfortable to work with. The most important thing is to look for the weight and heft. The heavier kitchenware won’t warp over time and it is easy to control the heat in it too. Always look at the ductility of the pan. Never go for those which could be even slightly bend as they never stay long, always choose that kitchenware which makes you use for years.

KitchenAid Artisan Stand Mixer

KitchenAid Stand Mixer

Monday, April 26, 2010

Top Online Money Making Opportunities

There are many ways to make money online but what is at the top. Or better yet where are they and how do you find them? The most common and lucrative way is to sell products online for other companies willing to share in the profits with you. There are millions of people out there today making money online by partnering with companies willing to pay commissions based on the sales that you generate.

This may sound difficult but all you have to do is sign up to become one of their Affiliates. There is no limit on how many companies you can sign up for. They have affiliate programs setup for their partners, which would be you. Now signing up would be the easy part. The difficult task come from getting traffic to their website. You need the visitors to buy the product they are selling. Now you would have to find the right kind of traffic and enough of it to generate any type of revenue. So you would need to quickly learn how to promote their products.

I looked at several different programs, and I have become an Affiliate Marketer. I have found a few of the top online money making opportunities today. When I started out, I had no clue what I was doing and I am still learning today. Because the internet is always evolving and it is very competitive and you have to be on top of your game. You have to learn to think outside the box. Now If you have no experience or even a lot of experience I would suggest a program is the best learning program for you. There are quite a few out there you just have to know where to look. You will not make $500 dollars a day if you do not know how.

There are a lot of top online money making opportunities out there, just take your time and review them. Look at what kind of support they have. You can have a great program, but if they do not have a good support on how to sell the product, you could be left alone trying to figure this stuff out.

I know more now than I have ever known about Internet Marketing or Affiliate Marketing. I am now able to find a few of the Top Online Money Making Opportunities today.

In conclusion, remember there is no such thing as “get rich quick” on the internet. Steer clear of the “get rich quick programs” or anything that offers you “overnight success”.

To Your Continued Success.

Angela Copeland

Angela works at home as an Affiliate Marketer. She wants to share what she has found out about Affiliate Marketing today. There are vast opportunities out there today. Many types for many different people. She will continue to research these programs and bring them too you as soon as possible.

You can check out one of her most recent lines of income at:

Read some reviews on Online Money Making Opportunity.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Work at Home For Free - 3 Free Money Making Opportunities You Can Choose From

Do you want to learn how to literally work at home for free? Thanks to the power of the Internet and the many money making opportunities available online you can literally start making money without having to invest a penny. How is this possible?

The main reason this is possible is because of the Internet and the many opportunities out there. You have to also understand that you have something that is equal in value to money and this is your time. By simply dedicating your time to investigate the right way you can literally start to make money and start working from home for free.

Here are 3 money making opportunities that you can choose from:

#1 Free To Join Affiliate Programs

One of the most popular things to get involved with on the Internet are affiliate programs. These affiliate programs are great because they are free to join and all you have to focus on doing is promoting the product or service that the company that you decide to be part of offers. Your only responsibility is to promote the program.

#2 Free Test Drive Residual Income Opportunity

If you want to get started for free and be able to enjoy the income that make in the long-term as well as now then the best way to get started is going to be with a residual income opportunity that offers a free test drive for you to try out opportunity. This is going to require a little bit more work than getting involved in an affiliate program but the reward is going to be amazing because you'll continue to get paid month after month for your hard work and effort.

#3 Master Article Writer

If you honestly just want to invest your time and nothing else at all then the best way is going to be the dedicate time to become a master article writer. One of the biggest things that is on demand right now is good writers to write articles for people who do not have the time to write but want to get those things done in order to promote their business. There is a huge demand for this and all you have to do is become a master at it and put yourself in front of the people who want articles to be done.

Did you know that Global Domains International is the hottest way to make money online? Did you know you can start for FREE? Did you know that you are missing out on big money by sitting in your chair and not doing anything?

Take action today. Start FREE with me.


Willox Perez is a 22 year old Internet entrepreneur who is revolutionizing the way most people make money today. He teaches simple techniques that anyone can use to put extra cash in their pockets from their homes.

Read the Business Opportunity Reviews.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Free Money Making Opportunities on the Web

In auctions, the seller can specify what's known as a reserve price for an item. If the winning bid for that item is less than the reserve price, the seller can opt not to complete the transaction. Often, this technique is used by sellers who have a detailed understanding of how much the item would be worth if sold elsewhere, or who for whatever reason need to make a certain amount of money from the auction for free money making opportunities on the web. Generally, such sellers can be broken up into two categories: sellers who are simply looking to recoup a certain amount of the item's purchase cost and sellers who rely primarily on auction sales for their livelihood.

The first case often includes businesses that re-sell used items at a depreciated value. If the company uses good accounting practices, this value will be readily available. Otherwise, it will have to estimate the value by consulting with experts (some of whom it may already have on its staff) or comparing prices on similar items for free money making opportunities on the web. Typically, such sales aren't essential to the continuing health of the organization, so accepting a price slightly below the reserve value would likely not result in major harm. In low-priority situations such as this, a business must ask itself whether a reserve is really necessary for free money making opportunities on the web. Most auction venues will charge an additional fee to place a reserve on an item, which, depending on the expected sale price of the item, might be enough to cast the possibility of a satisfactory profit into doubt.

In the second case, though, reserve prices can reasonably be considered on the order of regular store prices: any offer below them will not result in a sale. As such, they need to be carefully calculated for free money making opportunities on the web. Too high, and auctions may result in too few sales and a bad reputation. Too low, and auctions may not generate enough profit to maintain the business. The desired profit margin will vary by business and by item, of course, and needs to be realistic for the market for free money making opportunities on the web. Equally, sellers should be aware of the relevant research, such as studies that indicate that using reserve pricing can have a feast-or-famine effect on profit depending on the estimated value of the goods being sold.* This research, while not conclusive, indicates that, even if relatively expensive goods benefit from reserves, relatively inexpensive ones can actually lose value if a reserve is employed. Ultimately, a business should remember that its bottom line is profit: even if all the theories say that using a reserve will help, if reserve-priced goods consistently under perform, the right answer is to abandon them, and vice versa.

Online reputation

After you have brought people to your page to look at the sports memorabilia you are trying to sell, it is important to entice them to bid. One of the most important factors is by creating and maintaining a positive online reputation. Buyers will be less likely to bid on your merchandise if the feedback left about you is not good. But overall, creating a positive response about your online auction business is not difficult to do and is very similar to the same good business practices people practice in regular storefronts. Along with being honest and descriptive about what you are selling online, it is important to answer all questions posed to you by potential bidders and be forthright about your product. When it comes to shipping the item, pack it appropriately in the correct box and send it out just as you described on your site or if you have made alternative arrangements with the winning bidder.

Tony Forster excels in the home business arena. You can learn more about making money online at

Read theBusiness Opportunity Reviews.

Hypnosis-The Relationship between Yoga, Meditation, and Self-Hypnosis

Though no one knows the exact origin of yoga, meditation and self-hypnosis, one thing is certain, that they are more than thousands of years old. Eminent scholars are of the opinion that the origins and practice of yoga and meditation can be traced to the Indus Valley civilization. In spite of the fact that these practices give the practitioner a sense of well being and peace it was not in vogue until recently.

Though yoga and meditation are often linked together they are also different. Meditation is thought to have been practiced all over the world for a very long time. Self-hypnosis is also thought to have existed in the world for a long time.

These alternate methods of healing and self-healing have existed for hundreds of year's in spite of efforts to discourage them by various vested interests for example fundamentalists and dogmatists. Doesn't it make you wonder why some people would want to discourage something as wonderful as self-hypnosis, meditation and yoga? Well the answer is simple. Most people who against these methods were people in control- control of other people. And they were under no circumstances willing to relinquish the control they had over the masses, because these methodologies thought one how to have control over one's well being( physical, mental & spiritual).

In many societies of the world these practices were forbidden. People in countries under dictatorship, communism were forbidden to practice yoga meditation, and self-hypnosis. Why? Because communism didn't allow people to question and receive answers about any thing other than what they wanted the people to know. They wanted people who were not in touch with their spirituality, whose consciousness was not awakened. They wanted their masses to be like robots and just obey commands. And we all know that yoga takes us to a higher plane and a higher level of consciousness. So people who practice yoga cannot be manipulated according to the whims and fancies of certain people. Because of this kind of oppression many people in the former Soviet union practiced Yoga in secret.

As a person who has lived in a free country all his life I find this difficult to comprehend, as will all of you who live in a free society. All we can conclude is that if people were willing to risk their lives for the well being offered by yoga there must be something to it. Think of all the sages who realized self and more through yoga.

In the present day of gadgets, where we have some gadget or other to do almost any thing we want, we still have no time for ourselves-no time to take real good care of our well being, our spirituality, of self awakening. Who is holding you back from yoga? No one But you yourself. Take a few moments to yourself, put your feet up and relax. Think of all the benefits that you will gain by practicing yoga or meditation or self-hypnosis. Think of the well being that is the fruits of practicing these self- improvement methods. Don't you want to feel good about your self, be relaxed and calm and be able to deal with the vagaries of life confidently and calmly.

Love and good wishes,

Fort Worth Yoga | Fort Worth massage

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Types of Women's Rainwear

If you live in an environment where rain if frequent, you have probably looked for rainwear that goes beyond just your standard raincoat. Heavy rains often mean soggy clothes and if you are like a lot of people, you always have quite a bit to carry with you. That can make using an umbrella impossible. If you enjoy taking part in sports such as skiing, running or hiking, you will most definitely need rainwear other than just a raincoat or jacket to keep you dry.

Raincoats, by default, are usually longer so they will cover almost your entire body. If you will be carrying your rainwear with you, however, you may want to choose something that will pack easily and give you more versatility. Rain jackets are usually shorter than raincoats or parkas and are easier to pack. They also provide sufficient coverage when paired with rain pants. Front zippers make them easier to put on and take off, but any type of zipper increases the chance for leaks. Still, unless you are in a very rainy environment, this may not be a problem.

Parkas are longer than rain jackets and come down over the hips for added protection. They, too, have front zippers which makes them easier to put on and take off than traditional types of raincoats, but again, the chance of leakage is increased somewhat.

Rain pants are a good idea if you will be spending a lot of time outside. This mostly pertains to those who enjoy sports such as running and hiking, but rain jackets and pants may be paired for an overall look even when you are just trekking about town.

Rain boots are another type of rainwear that should be considered. They go on over regular shoes and serve to keep your shoes and feet warm and dry. They are easy to put and take off and also help protect shoes from wear and tear caused by larger amounts of rain.

The type of rainwear you choose will depend on your specific needs. The fabrics you choose will also depend on your specific needs and the type and amount of rain your area receives.

Women's Raincoats
Women's Rainwear

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Best Digital Hearing Aids

Generally, hearing impairment comes with aging. But these old citizens still want to enjoy life even after retirement. They still want to enjoy the music that they love, now that they have more time to enjoy them. What they need are the best digital hearing aids available.

The earlier hearing devices are too cumbersome to use and to move around with. It was in 1987 when these best digital hearing aids appeared. But they were inefficient; thus, they failed to drum up interest on them. They are too bulky, need frequent recharging of battery and too sensitive to background noises. A car serene is unbearable for an inefficient hearing device.

But like other prototype gadgets, engineers and doctor worked on them to improve the performance of these hearing aids; and the result of these are the best hearing aids possible. This hearing aid has the following added features:

Digital Feedback Reduction (DFR) - feedback sounds are nuisance to a hearing aid user. To reduce feedback from TV, radio, speakers or just plain chewing a gum, the user frequently adjust the volume of his hearing aid. But now, this is a thing of the past. Best aids now, adjust the volume automatically, depending on the sound feedback.

Digital Noise Reduction (DNR) - this technology reduces low level noises that can be very irritating to the user.

Digital Speech Enhancement (DSE) - this is an important feature of the latest and best digital aids in the market. It modulates and makes speech pattern more understandable for the user. This is the most high-end technology and most useful addition to the features of best digital hearing aids.

But before you buy a digital hearing aid, it is a must that you first consult and be examined by a medical ear specialist. Like eyes, your ears have also grade classifications, wherein the digital hearing aid must be adopted. Even a best digital hearing aid will not work for you right, if it is not fitted to your hearing requirement.

If you want to know more about these best digital hearing aids you can visit

Hearing Aid Repair High Point NC

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Comparing Hearing Aids For the Better Sound Quality

If you have to get a hearing aid, you want to make sure that you are getting one that is going to keep the sound as true to life as possible. When you see the many different models that are available, you may think that you are shopping for a car instead of a hearing aid. Before you make a final decision, make sure you compare hearing aids for the best sound quality to suit your needs.

There are basically two different types of sound quality that you will have to choose from when you are looking at hearing aids. You can choose a more traditional hearing aid that has analog sound or you can go high tech with a digital hearing aid.

Conventional or analog hearing aids are very popular because of the price tag that comes with them. If you go back a few years ago, they cost as much as the digital ones do today. Because of the advances in technology, the best analog is still priced much lower that the digital.

The risks of using an analog are that you will not get the sound quality that you can with a digital and that you also run the risk of getting feedback on your device. As you can imagine, this can be quite annoying and painful if you don't have your device down low enough. Imagine being in a crowded bar and letting out a scream because the bands microphone is not getting along with your device.

The digital hearing aid will be more expensive, but the sound quality is much improved. Now keep in mind that if you have not had to buy a hearing aid in several years, you may want to upgrade to the digital because the price you paid for your analog is probably about the same that you are going to pay for the digital one today.

If not, the extra money will be well worth it if you are going to be using it every day. For someone that is only putting it in now and again, it could be a waste of money, but the clarity of sound and the lack of feedback make this a very desirable choice.

Again, it really all comes down to preference and need. When you want to compare hearing aids, the analog will give you the better price, but less sound quality. You will pay a few dollars more for the digital, but if you are using it every day, the money will be well worth it . . .

Be sure to visit the authors website where you can compare hearing aids.

Digital Hearing Aids

Friday, April 9, 2010

Breakthrough Technology Helps Chiropractors And Other Health Providers Bring Chinese Medicine Into The 21st Century

Every day thousands of people head to their chiropractor’s office for an adjustment. They have a variety of complaints and ailments and the chiropractor is there to assist them in feeling better. But what if chiropractic could be combined with other alternative therapies to assist these patients to obtain optimum health and wellness?

That’s the question that chief medical officer of Intemedica, John Diamond, is answering. Dr. Diamond, a physician trained as a pathologist, got into alternative healing almost twenty years ago as a result of his own health crises. “As far as I’m concerned, complementary and alternative medicine takes care of 80% of health issues in the general population.”

Diamond believes the medical field is about to undergo an amazing transformation in the way it operates and delivers healing to patients. He believes primary care physicians will become obsolete by the year 2015 and in their place will spring alternative healing concepts such as chiropractors, Chinese medicine practitioners, acupuncturists and naturopaths. This is in reaction to the insurance crises going on in our country today. “The way medicine is going right now we’re moving away from the disease model. We’re moving to what we call the stress and coping model.” Diamond believes that alternative and natural healing methods will best complement these changing models.

Dr. Diamond, working with other individuals, has come up with a new and fascinating way to utilize this stress and coping model with what he calls GSR biofeedback, a process similar to electro acupuncture. By simply placing a hand in an electrical cradle, the machine interrogates the patient’s body and provides a wealth of information about where the stresses are occurring in the body. Connected to a computer program, information is also compiled regarding which specific formulas of Chinese herbs would best be suited to help the patient with whatever their specific needs are – and all in about three and a half minutes.

How can chiropractors utilize this technology in their offices and how can it help them not only increase value for their patients but also increase their bottom line? According to Diamond it’s simple. “We have a whole system that is very easily put into anybody’s office with minimal outlay,” says Diamond.

Once doctors have this equipment and stock in their offices, it takes only about thirty minutes to learn how to use it. All it takes is the ability to point and click the mouse. All updates to the software are done via the internet, as well as anything that’s added to the program.

But can this program really add value to the chiropractic practice? Do alternative healing methods really work? According to Diamond the answer to both questions is a resounding yes. Any staff member, such as a chiropractic assistant, can operate the equipment, which leaves the chiropractor free to do adjustments. Also, Diamond has had independent data taken on the effectiveness of his healing methods and found that out of 100,000 patient visits over the last eighteen years, the average efficacy of his formulas was 86% - some formulas were as high as 97%. He’s also found that with the minimum outlay of investment, the average practice can see anywhere between $5-8000 a month in extra income while providing added value for their patients.

Concerning any negative side effects, Diamond also has found there are fairly few. With sensitive patients the Chinese herbs can cause gastric irritation and in some patients there may be a problem with over detoxification, but these negatives are easily resolved. Says Diamond, “Traditional Chinese medicine is easily adapted to our physiology because it’s plant based. Anything plant based we’re very used to responding to. It’s not really an issue.”

For more information about this program, contact Intemedica at Says Diamond, “Right now 50 million of the U.S. population is without any kind of health care. You have to keep yourself healthy to survive in this stressful and toxic world.”

Chiropractor Manipulation

Chiropractic Service